Vision, Mission and Objectives

Establishment and Responsibilities

Establishment and Responsibilities

The Jordanian Businessmen Association (JBA) was established in 1985 as an independent, non-profit organization with its headquartering in Amman, Jordan. The main objective of the Association is to create and maintain a business climate that will enable the private sector to accomplish its role in the sustainable economic and business development in Jordan. The (JBA) embraces a wide spectrum of well-reputed entrepreneurs. It comprises about 292 members of senior businessmen in Jordan active in the different Jordanian economic sectors including industry, commerce, agriculture, banking, insurance, construction, tourism, transport and others. They represent the core of the private sector and this qualifies the Association to act as the single unified spokesman for Jordanian businessmen in communications and meetings with similar foreign businessmen associations. The private sector, being committed to free enterprise and entrepreneurship, and working in collaboration with the Public Sector, believes in partnership and cooperation with the Arab and friendly countries. In this context, joint business councils have been set up so far with similar associations in 40 countries. The (JBA) runs dialogues with ministries concerned with economic affairs in Jordan to boost the role of the private sector in the economic development in the Kingdom. It receives missions of the foreign business communities which visit Jordan, and arranges the meetings between such missions and their Jordanian counterparts

Our Vision

Our Vision

To assume leadership among business associations through dedicating the expertise of our association’s members, in developing an investment climate in away that enhances a supporting business environment for the national economy in Jordan.
Our Mission

Our Mission

To promote the suitable environment that empowers the private sector to effectively play its leading role in enhancing the economic and social responsibilities stimulating investments and serving our national economy in Jordan.
The Association’s Objectives

The Association’s Objectives

To explain the view points, needs and interests of the various professional sectors, forming as a whole the business community in Jordan.

To crystallize and coordinate the various view points within the private sector.

To conduct macro-economic specialized feasibility studies for the purpose of providing the Association’s members with knowledge and information related to the effects of governmental policies on the private sector activities.

To conduct economic and social studies on the public and private conditions and their reflections on the businessmen and other sectors.

To prepare memos and working papers to be submitted to the government periodically; including the businessmen view points on the development policies being adopted and implemented by the government.

To participate in rendering the technical assistances, and developing appropriate training programmes for the Association’s members for the aim of improving their work standard and raising their standard of performance.

To carry out directly, or through a specialized consultative body, field surveys for data collection and to get acquainted with the view points on issues of interests to the businessmen in Jordan.

To subscribe or participate in establishing new or existing firms and companies of public interests which render economic and social services (joint capital companies, arbitration and mediation centers …. Etc) and promote these activities.

To cooperate with the competent bodies in establishing the Jordanian Business Development Center for the service of investors in Jordan, and supervise its operation.

To act as representative for the businessmen in Jordan when dealing with counterpart foreign organizations.

To activate the private sector’s role in Jordan, and emphasize its importance in terms of cooperation and coordination with the Union of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce, Amman Chamber of Industry, and other private sector organizations.

To organize local and external seminars for the discussion of the economic affairs related to the activities of the private sector and the national economy.