Under the Royal Patronage of H.M. King Abdullah II , The Jordanian Businessmen Association celebrated its 30th Anniversary on Mon Aug.10th 2015 . Prime Minister Dr. Abdulla Nsour, was deputized by His Majesty to open the ceremony .
The celebration took place at the Royal Cultural Center and was attended by members of Cabinet Ministers, Heads of Arab & foreign diplomatic missions in Jordan, several members of the Parliament , high ranking officials , prominent and well-known Jordanian businessmen, members of JBA.
HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a, Chairman of JBA, addressed the audience reviewing the historic establishment of JBA in 1985 according to the directives of H.M. Late King Hussein Bin Talal , (may God rest His soul in peace) to the Gov. headed then by Prime Minister , Mr. Zeid AL Rifa’i .
JBA Chairman reviewed JBA’s role in the enhancement of Jordan’s economic relations through its wide network of Business Councils with 40 counterpart associations in most of the Arab Countries and many foreign countries covering Europe , Far East , Asia , South America, South Africa. He added that , Throughout the past 30 years, JBA held many of its activities on the occasion of the Royal visits to foreign and Arab countries such as France , Spain , UK, Netherlands, Denmark ..etc. JBA succeeded in attracting Arab and foreign investments into Jordan and became an important and prominent representative for the private sector in Jordan and abroad , besides; JBA participated effectively in reforming the economic legislations with direct and continuous discussions with the Gov. and the Parliament economic committees . He also recalled JBA’s role in the establishment of the Federation of Arab Businessmen in 1997 , and JBA’s assistance and support for the establishment of several Arab Business Associations. Mr. Tabba’a highlighted and praised the support received by JBA from the Hashemites ,enabling JBA to succeed in achieving its objectives in serving the Jordanian economy and the business community , He recalled that in 1995 , His Majesty Late King Al Hussein Bin Talal , bestowed The Star of Jordan (Al Kawkab AL Urduni) Medal of the First Order on JBA , in recognition of its important role in the development of the economy of Jordan.
In his speech , Mr. Tabba’a asserted JBA’s commitment to serve the economy and collaborate closely with the Gov. in the development of the economy and business environment .
His Majesty’s Deputized , Prime Minister , Dr. Abdallah Nsour, addressed the audience, praising the successful achievements of JBA and reviewing the latest positive economic developments in Jordan despite the difficult situation in the region , H.E. announced that the Gov. intends to review the income tax law and plans are underway to implement the 10th year economic reform plan , Jordan 2025 vision , in cooperation with the private sector .
Also HE Mrs. Maha Ali , Minister of Industry &Trade &Supply addressed the participants commenting on JBA ‘s successful achievements and positive role in the development of the Jordanian economy . HE Senator, and Chairman of the Financial Committee at the Senate , Dr. Rajai Mu’asher , also addressed the audience recalling the establishment of JBA in 1985 and its positive role .
The Ceremony program included a speech by Mr. Mohammad Masrouji , Vice Chairman of FAB , and Honorary president of the Federation of Palestinian Businessmen, Mr. Masrouji recalled the brotherly relations between JBA and the Palestinian Federation and praised JBA’s role in supporting the Palestinian counterpart . Also Mr. Mamdouh Abou Hassan , JBA’S first Chairman and one of its founders gave a speech at the ceremony about the establishment of JBA and its achievements .
At the end of the Ceremony , HE The Prime Minister handed over shields honoring the Founders , successive Board Members of JBA, and distinguished JBA members in recognition of their efforts in the successful achievement of JBA .