Under the patronage of His Royal Highness Sheik Jaber Al Mubarak l Jaber Al Subah, the Prime Minister of Kuwait, the 15th Arab Business Community Forum convenes in Kuwait during 11-12 Dec. 2013 . FAB Chairman HE Hamdi Tabba’a , opens the Forum with a speech that reviewed the latest developments in the economy of the Arab Countries , representing His Royal Highness Dr. Rola Dashti , the Kuwaiti Minister of Planning, addressed the participants and presented the current situation of investments in the Arab Countries . The Forum was attended by Arab businessmen representing the FAB members in the Arab countries . The Forum included 4 working sessions during which high economic officials and experts presented working papers that concentrated on the following topics; renewable energy , Arab investments, trade exchanges , the role of civil society and financing institutions in the Arab economic development , the importance of Small & Medium size projects in promoting economic growth, facing unemployment ,the investment climates in Jordan & Egypt ,infrastructure projects for economic development , the current situation of the Arab Financing sector , and reaching the Arab food security .The Forum ended its session by announcing the recommendations of the Forum that tackled the above mentioned subjects and presented solutions for both the public & private sectors to face the challenges