The Palestinian Businessmen Association Board visits JBA

The Palestinian Businessmen Association  Board visits JBA

On Sun. April 12th , 2015 , The Palestinian Businessmen Association Board visited JBA. The newly elected Board chaired by Mr. Samir Zureik met with HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a ,JBA Chairman , and JBA Board members: HE Mr. Thabet Al Taher ,Vice Chairman, Mr. Abdel Halim Abdin,Treasurer , Mr. Issam Bdeir, Youssri Tahboob, Awni AL Saket , and Mohammad Bilbeisi . HE Mr. Taba’a welcomed the delegation and congratulated them for the elections and assured JBA commitment to continue its cooperation with PBA and offered to provide all assistance possible for the Palestinian businessmen , he reviewed the strong economic ties between both countries and Jordan’s historic relations with Palestine . On his part Mr. Samir Zureik , PBA Chairman praised JBA role in the enhancement of the economic relations with Palestine and both parties agreed to establish scrotal committees within the framework of the Jordanian Palestinian Business Council between JBA and PBA in the services sectors such as education , health, tourism and stock markets and called to upgrade the level of trade exchanges and boost Jordanian investment in Palestine, The participants discussed also the activities of the Federation of Arab Businessmen FAB since PBA is an active member in FAB and holds the position of Vice Chairmanship of FAB , They concluded to hold a new round of the Joint Business Council meeting in the near future .