The Jordanian –Turkish Business Forum convenes in Amman

The Jordanian –Turkish Business Forum convenes in Amman

  Under the patronage of HE Dr. Hatem Halawani, Minister of Industry & Trade and HE Nehat ZEBAKSHI , Minister of Economy of Turkey the Jordanian –Turkish Business Forum was held on Mon. 28/4/2014. The Forum was co- organized by JBA and the Turkish Embassy in Amman on the occasion of the visit of HE The Minister of Economy of Turkey to Jordan heading a delegation of Businessmen . In his opening speech HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a reviewed the economic relations between the business communities in both countries and the distinguished relation between JBA and DEIK and the efforts exerted following the successful Royal visit to Ankara last year according to which business missions were exchanged that led to holding this event in Amman . He also reviewed the attractive investment climate in Jordan and the business opportunities present for the Turkish businessmen in Jordan to enjoy the incentives and benefits of the free trade agreements with the Arab countries , US, Canada and the EU which opens the world markets to the Jordanian products duty free . At the end of the Forum the Agreement for the establishment of the Joint Business Council was signed by JBA, The Jordan Chamber of Industry , The Amman Chamber of Commerce from the Jordanian side and DEIK and TOBB from the Turkish sides in order to enhance the relations in all sectors of the economy between the business communities ,and bilateral meetings were held between the participants from both sides .
The meeting was attended by HE The Turkish Ambassador in Amman , the Turkish business delegation and a large number of Jordanian businessmen .