The Jordanian Romanian Business Forum concludes successfully

The Jordanian – Romanian Business Forum concludes successfully

The Jordanian – Romanian Business Forum concludes successfully
JBA signs a cooperation agreement with UBCCIR of Romania
HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a is granted an honorary membership in UBCCIR
The Jordanian – Romanian Business Forum was concluded in Bucharest Romania on Sept 21st 2013 .The Forum was organized by JBA and the Romanian Embassy in Amman upon the invitation from the Union of Bilateral Chambers of Industry &Trade in Romania.. The 2 days Forum included an opening session where HE Mr. Tabba’a , the Chairman of UBCCIR , the Jordanian Ambassador to Romania addressed the participants reviewing the economic relations between Jordan and Romania and the investment and trade opportunities present for the business men in both countries. Mr. Tabba’a reviewed Jordan’s attractive investment climate and the investment opportunities present for the Romanian businessmen especially in the fields of energy , renewable energy , rail ways, the oil pipeline from Iraq and the Red- Dead Sea projects , he pointed out to the free trade agreements that Jordan signed with the Arab countries, the US, Canada , Turkey , and Singapore, thus opening major world markets to foreign investors to benefit from the tax incentives and the security and stability that Jordan enjoys . The program also included bilateral meetings between the Jordanian businessmen and their Romanian counterparts in addition to field visits to Romanian companies in ther fields of IT, waste recycling , and steel manufacturing . HE the Romanian Minister of Economy met with JBA Chairman and JBA board members, Mr. Abdel Halim Abdin, and Mr. Yusri Tahboob, the meeting was also attended by HE Dr. Munther Qabba’a , Jordan Ambassador to Romania , the discussions during the meeting concentrated on the economic developments in both countries and the ways and means to boost the economic relations .During the Forum a Cooperation Agreement was signed between JBA & UBCCIR aiming to enhance the relations between the Jordanian & Romanian business communities in all sectors of the economy , and HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a was granted an honorary membership in UBCCIR, thus being the first foreign and Arab business leader to become an honorary member at UBCCIR.