The General Assembly meeting for 2014

The General Assembly meeting for 2014

JBA General Assembly held its meeting for 2014 on Sat.18/4/2015 at JBA premises , the meeting was attended by the Board members : HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a, JBA Chairman ,HE Mr. Thabet Al Taher, Vice Chairman, Mr. Mousa Shehadeh Treasurer, Mr. Abdel Halim Abdin , Secretay General , and Mr. Youssri Tahbbob, Awni Al Saket, Hussam Al Hudhud, and JBA members. In his opening speech HEMr. Tabba’a reviewed JBA activities report in 2014 and the future plans for 2015 for serving the interest of its members and the Jordanian economy . The participants approved the meeting agenda and afterwards the auditor Saba & Partners representative recited the auditor’s financial report and the General Assembly approved the 2014 budget and re-elected Saba&Partners as 2015 auditors .