The Financial & Economic Committee at the House of Senates meets JBA Board Members.

The Financial  & Economic Committee at the House of Senates meets JBA Board Members.

The Financial & Economic Committee at the House of Senates headed by HE Dr. Rajai Muasher met with JBA Board Members & JBA Director on Mon Sept 1st 2014, the meeting concentrated on 3 main economic laws presented by the Gov. to the Parliament, the income tax , the investment, and public- private partnership laws .HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a submitted to The committee chairman Dr, Rajai Muasher the memorandum that JBA sent to the Prime Minister and the concerned Ministers presenting the point of view and comments of JBA regarding these laws . The Committee Chairman and members praised the role of JBA and its efforts in actively participating in the economic legislative reforms and promised to study these comments and take them into consideration during the related debate sessions with the Gov.