Sudanese-Jordanian businessmen forum: “The allocation of a Jordanian industrial zone in Sudan”

Sudanese-Jordanian businessmen forum:  “The allocation of a Jordanian industrial zone in Sudan”

Under the patronage of His Excellency Eng. Yarob Al Qudah, Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply from the Jordanian side, and from the Sudanese side H.E Minister of Industry Dr. Musa Karama and H.E Minister of State for Investment Osama Faisal, with the participation of H.E Hamdi Tabba’a, Chairman of the Jordanian Businessmen Association, and Mr. Muawiya Al-Breer, Vice President of the Sudanese Employers Union, opened on Wednesday 9/8/2017 meetings of the Sudanese-Jordanian Businessmen Forum with the participation of Jordanian and Sudanese businessmen and representatives of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
In a speech delivered during the meeting, Hamdi Al-Tabba’a, Chairman of the Jordanian Businessmen Association stressed the Jordanian-Sudanese relations which have become a model for Arab brotherhood, which Jordan seeks to be similar to its relations with all the Arab brothers. Jordan has always stood by Sudan; He also contributed to the Jordanian cadres who worked on implementing several projects for water and electricity in Sudan. He stressed the depth and brotherhood of the Jordanian-Sudanese relations on various economic and commercial levels. The countries have signed several agreements and protocols with a total of 19 agreements and memorandums of understanding that have brought together Jordan and the Sudan in various fields. They have raised the level of economic cooperation and strengthened the climates of joint investment, import and export, which has had a remarkable impact on the joint bilateral process. Results to strengthening the areas of joint Arab economic cooperation and the establishment of joint investment projects in both countries, and remove any impediments to trade and investment exchange between the two countries.
On the Sudanese side, Minister of State for Investment Osama Faysal pointed out his expectations that the joint agreements signed between the two countries would be aimed at protecting the investment. He also referred to the Free Zones Amendment Law as well as completing the procedures required by the Sudanese investors in light of lifting the political embargo on Sudan. The Minister briefed the Jordanian side on the investment opportunities in Sudan in addition to the investment incentives offered to investors.
Maawiya Al-Brier, vice president of the Sudanese Employers’ Union, said in a speech during the meeting that the development and strengthening of economic and trade relations between the two countries aims to achieve the interests of the two countries and the two brotherly peoples. He pointed to the modest volume of trade exchange between the two countries. He expressed his hope that this visit will constitute a fundamental turning point in the bilateral relations and that the next stage will witness more interests, projects and joint investments, and increase the remittances, banking and cash flows between the two countries. He also pointed to the number of Jordanian companies that are active in the field of industries, especially pharmaceutical industries, as well as agricultural services.
Al-Brier also referred to the potential benefits of opening a direct trade line between the two countries, which is in the interest of the two countries. He also called the brothers in Jordan for investing in African countries Because of its natural resources, He also pointed to the scientific and technological progress that Jordan has achieved, especially in the field of higher education, where not a small number of Sudanese students are studying in Jordanian universities.
At the end of the forum, Minister of State for Investment Osama Faisal announced the allocation of a Jordanian industrial zone in Sudan, where details of this area will be announced in the near future.