PRIME Minister Dr. Abdallah Nsour meets with the private sector representatives

PRIME Minister Dr. Abdallah Nsour meets with the private sector representatives

PRIME Minister Dr. Abdallah Nsour met with the private sector representatives on June 24th 2013 , the participants included the Board Members of JBA, the Chambers of Industry & Trade, and the Banks Association.The meeting was attended by the ministers of Industry & Trade & communications & IT , minister of Finance, minister of Energy &Miniral Resources .
 I n his speech the P.M stressed the keen interest of the Gov. to consider the point of view of the private sector regarding the new draft economic laws and regulations , He said that the decisions will be taken in cooperation with the private sector for the benefit of the Jordanian economy aiming to activate the economy and create jobs through the execution of development projects , He also explained the Gov. point of view regarding the upcoming decisions to raise the electricity prices and the redirection of the public support for grain and bread to cover only the Jordanian citizens .
He listened to the private sector comments on the income tax and investment draft laws and the issues he previously raised about the economic situation