PRESS RELEASE BY DEİK/Turkey-Jordan Business Council(June 7, 2018)

PRESS RELEASE BY DEİK/Turkey-Jordan Business Council(June 7, 2018)

The Turkish private sector attach high importance to Jordan’s stability, and hope that the new Jordanian Government will take form in the soonest.

We, Turkey-Jordan Business Council, operating under the umbrella of the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEİK), are carrying out some activities in order to ease the current economic difficulties in Jordan.

Recently, our Council visited Association of Turkish Travel Agencies and dicussed with its President the means of cooperation to increase the number of Turkish tourists visiting Jordan, as well as, promoting Jordan to the Turkish Travel Agencies as a holiday destination.

Also since Jordan is an important phosphate producer in the region, the Council held talks with fertilizer manufacturers in Turkey, in aim to revive phosphate and phosphoric acid imports from Jordan, and to this point, it is expected to receive positive results in the near future.

Moreover, as Jordan has a Free Trade Agreement with the US and is a member of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area(GAFTA), these agreements establishe an excellent base for the Turkish investors exporting to Arab Countries and the U.S and there are Turkish companies who have already invested in Jordan utilizing such agreements and successfully exporting to the countries in the region. In this framework, DEİK/Turkey-Jordan Business Council in cooperation with its counterpart organization in Jordan “Jordanian Businessmen Association” have carried out activities to promote investment opportunities and investment climate in Jordan to the Turkish business community and shall continue to organize similar activities to promote Jordan in Turkey.

Projects in the African Countries is another field of coopreation btween the Turkish private sector and Jordan to collaborate in, and to that end we conducted a Turkish business delegation to Jordan last March, which cooperation in Africa was one of the issues discussed with our Jordanian counterpart. As Jordan has an access to Arab funds and while Turkish construction companies have the know-how and experience, we believe that there is a great potential for cooperation in Africa especially in the construction sector. Therefore, we are planning to invite a delegation from Jordan to Istanbul in the coming few months, along with the participation of African Business Councils, to meet and discuss the cooperation possibilities in Africa.

In conclusion, we firmly believe that Jordan has a vital role in the stability of the region, and hereby, the Turkish private sector is expressing its readiness to give the necessary support to boost its economy and role.