Jordanian Businessmen Association meet a members from the European Parliament

Jordanian Businessmen Association meet a members from the European Parliament

H.E Hamdi Al-Tabbaa emphasizes the message of His Majesty King Abdullah II in his last speech in the European Parliament to reach a comprehensive solution to the Palestinian matter through the two-state solution. He also pointed to the need to review the Paris Protocol, which has not been reviewed for more than 20 years. Al Tabbaa also pointed out to the need of partnership with the European Union in solving the Palestinian matter and bringing peace between the two countries in particular, and in the region in general, especially in the reconstruction of Iraq and Syria, as the European Union considered the main partner in all level and stages.
This came during a meeting of the President of the Jordanian Businessmen Association, H.E Hamdi Al-Tabbaa, on Sunday 21/5/2017, a delegation of members of the European Parliament during an official visit to the Kingdom, where he demonstrate the establishment of the association and its important role in enhancing the relations of Jordanian businessmen with their counterparts in The Arab and foreign countries, and the role of the Association in enhancing relations between Arab and other countries through joint business councils around the world, in addition to its role in attracting investments to the Kingdom. Al tabbaa also mentioned “simplification of rules of origin” agreement and the possibility of benefiting Jordanian sectors from this agreement, especially the industrial sector through the improvement and development of Jordanian industries and their specifications, attracting foreign investments and opening up new export markets for Jordanian products.
His Excellency highlighted the investment climate and the outstanding investment incentives and exemptions offered by the Jordanian government, in addition to the ability to reach most of the major global markets, the presence of industrial cities, free zones, qualified and professional human resources, competition, infrastructure, communications, transportation and information technology, as well as the bilateral agreements and Free trade agreements which facilitates the flow of goods and services between the Kingdom and other countries.
From his side, Michael Galler, head of the delegation and member of the European Parliament, said that Jordan enjoys a strategic position and is open to other international markets. He said that Jordan is connected through to a sophisticated transport network that facilitates the access of products and services to other markets. He also noted to the distinctive relations between Jordan and the European Union, Especially in the economic and commercial levels, where he stressed the need to increase the volume of trade exchange between Jordan and EU Countries. The head of the European delegation praised the investment incentives, facilities and benefits offered to foreign investors in Jordan, which were presented by the Jordanian Businessmen Association to the President and members of the Delegation of the European Parliament. Mr. Galler, also referred to King Abdullah II recent speech in the European Parliament and the King’s reference to the need for collaborative efforts to fight terrorism by achieving peace between Palestinians and Israelis.