Jordanian and Turkish Business Leaders Discuss Activating Joint Business Council

Jordanian and Turkish Business Leaders Discuss Activating Joint Business Council

Jordanian Businessmen Association (JBA) President Hamdi Tabbaa, Turkish Commercial Attaché in Amman Mehmet Ural, and Turkish-Jordanian Business Council Vice President Turker Karahasan met on Monday to discuss mechanisms for activating the joint business council.

According to a JBA statement, they agreed to hold a meeting of the council, which was established in 1994, in Amman during the middle of this year to discuss ways to enhance economic, trade, and investment cooperation between the two countries.

Tabbaa noted that the council, which links the JBA with the Turkish Foreign Economic Relations Board, is one of the most active and effective councils, and has contributed to building bridges of communication between the business communities of both sides, identifying investment opportunities in both countries, and increasing economic partnerships.

During the meeting, which was attended by JBA board member Yosri Tahboub and General Manager Tariq Hijazi, Tabbaa stressed the importance of increasing the volume of trade and investment exchange between the two countries to achieve mutual economic benefits.

For his part, Oral emphasized that the council is one of the most effective channels for stimulating economic relations, especially given the broad prospects for investment and trade cooperation between the two countries, stressing the need to activate it to achieve common interests and goals.

He emphasized the need to intensify meetings between business leaders and private sector institutions, and organize trade delegation visits to explore promising investment opportunities in both countries and exchange professional expertise.

Karahasan pointed out that the council has contributed to building bridges of communication between the business communities, stressing the need to intensify its activities to support the economic relations of the two countries, increase their trade exchanges, and encourage the establishment of investment partnerships.