Jordan to provide facilities for Turkish investors

Jordan to provide facilities for Turkish investors

Jordan is committed to providing all forms of support and facilities to Turkish investors, Chairman of the Jordan Investment Commission (JIC) Khalid Wazani said, stressing the importance of boosting strategic relations between Jordan and Turkey in various fields.

In remarks at a Jordanian-Turkish investment seminar, held on Wednesday in collaboration between JIC and the Jordanian Businessmen Association (JBA),
JBA president Hamdi Tabba’ said that the Association is keen on enhancing bilateral ties, noting that Jordan and Turkey enjoy deep-rooted political and historical relations in addition to their long-term economic exchange with more than 40 agreements and memoranda of understanding.
Wazani emphasized that Jordan is a safe haven for investments, indicating that work is underway to upgrade the overall investment ecosystem.

He delivered a briefing on the Kingdom’s most important indicators as an investment magnet, such as stepping up among the world’s top ten improvers in implementing business-climate-improving measures in the World Bank’s 2020 business rankings, and being selected among the top 3 in terms of economic reforms.

Turkish Ambassador to Amman, Ismail Aramaz, expressed his country’s interest to invest in Jordan, most notably in the fields of raw materials and mineral supply, indicating that the abolition of the Jordanian-Turkish free trade agreement had negative repercussions on bilateral trade relations.

Chairman of the Jordanian-Turkish Business Council, Faruk Akbal, appreciated the efforts of JIC and JBA to strengthen bilateral relations, voicing hope that joint cooperation will alleviate the negative effects of the coronavirus pandemic on both countries.