Jordan, Kuwait explore enhancing cooperation

Jordan, Kuwait explore enhancing cooperation

President of the Jordan Businessmen Association (JBA) Hamdi Tabbaa on met Kuwaiti Ambassador to Jordan Hamad Al Marri to explore ways to enhance cooperation in the economic and investment fields.
Tabbaa emphasised that the success of initiatives to strengthen relations relied on coordinated efforts with private sector representatives from both countries.
Al Marri commended the Jordanian-Kuwati relations, adding that they were built on solid foundations. Jordan is a stable and secure country with a flourishing investment environment, especially in the tourism sector, the diplomat said.
He also expressed his country’s keenness to increase its investments in the Kingdom, which amounted to approximately $20 billion last year.
During the meeting, held at the Kuwaiti Embassy in Amman, members of the JBA’s board of directors discussed issues affecting the Jordanian business community, notably activating the role of joint committees and intensifying private sector engagement between the two countries.