Jordan-Azerbaijan investment forum opens Sunday

Jordan-Azerbaijan investment forum opens Sunday

The Jordanian-Azerbaijani Economic and Investment Forum, which is organized jointly by the Jordanian Businessmen Association (JBA) and the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Azerbaijan, kicks off Sunday.

The JBA said in a statement Saturday that the gathering is aimed at enhancing economic and investment relations between the two countries and network between the Jordanian and Azeri business communities in the sectors of common interest, including education, medical care, tourism, agriculture, food and pharmaceutical industries.

The forum will familiarize the Azeri private sector with investment opportunities in the Kingdom, incentives offered by free and development zones and exemptions provided by the Jordanian investment legislation.

JBA President Hamdi Tabbaa pointed to the many opportunities in various promising sectors in the two countries and a variety of untapped exports, which underline cooperation between the private sectors in the two countries to set up strategic partnerships in the near future.

During the forum, the two sides will sign a memorandum of understanding to build strategic partnerships, discuss launching joint ventures and cooperate in the field of small and medium-sized businesses.