JBA receives the delegation from Export Import Bank of Turkey

JBA receives the delegation from  Export Import Bank of Turkey

HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a received on Thurs. May 22nd 2014 a delegation representing Export Import Bank of Turkey headed by the Deputy Director General of the Bank Mr. Mettin Alaadin , the meeting was attended by Mr. Abdel Halim Abdin , JBA Secretary General . Mr. Tabba’a briefed the delegation on the role of JBA in promoting the economic relations with Turkey within the framework of the Jordanian – Turkish Business Council between JBA & DEIK of Turkey , he also reviewed the banking sector in Jordan and the success it has achieved in the development of the Jordanian economy and the distinguished services it provides through the 26 commercial banks present including 4 Islamic banks and several foreign banks branches He reviewed the latest developments in the Jordanian – Turkish economic relations and the positive results of the latest Royal visit to Ankara followed by the exchange of business missions the latest of which was the visit of the Turkish Minister of Economy and the accompanying delegation of High level Turkish businessmen who were briefed during the meetings in Amman , Mafrqa , ASEZA on the attractive investment climate of Jordan and the investment opportunities present for the Turkish businessmen to utilize the free trade agreements which opens the doors for Jordanian products to the major Arab and World markets duty free .
Mr. Mettin Alaadin then reviewed the services of the Bank and the ways and means to promote trade and investments between both countries . After this meeting at JBA the Bank delegation met with the Jordanian businessmen and industrialists at the Jordan Chamber of Industry ,to explainhow the bank services can promote the bilateral relations .