JBA receives the Ambassador of Pakistan

JBA receives the Ambassador of Pakistan

HE Mr. Shafat Allah the Pakistan Ambassador to Jordan visited JBA on Tues. Oct. 2015 .HE Mr. Tabba’a congratulated the Ambassador for assuming his post in Amman and reviewed the economic relations between the two countries , and the attractive investment climate that Jordan enjoys and the distinguished economic relations and geographical location that open world markets to the Jordanian products under the free trade agreements with the Arab Countries, USA , Europe, Turkey ,Canada, and Singapore, he added that many Jordanian students receive their higher education in Pakistan . HE The Ambassador praised the relations between Jordan & Pakistan and expressed the private sector willingness to promote such relations and extended the invitation for JBA to assist in organizing the Pakistan Industrial exhibition next year. The meeting was attended by JBA Vice Chairman , HE Mr. Thabet Taher and Board members,Mr. Abdel Halim Abdin , Hussam AL Hudhud , and Tareq Hijazi JBA Director General