JBA received the representative of The Australian Arab Chamber of Commerce

JBA received the representative of The Australian Arab Chamber of Commerce

JBA received the representative of The Australian Arab Chamber of Commerce & Industry Mr. Charles Figallo on 16/9/2013 accompanied by the consultant Mrs. Suzette Lamshed , Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a reviewed to the guests JBA role in the economic development of Jordan and its wide relations with counterpart associations around the world , he also briefed them on the current economic situation and the economic relations between Jordan & Australia , he also reviewed the prospects of cooperation between the private sector in both countries in all sectors of the economy and the cooperation and investment opportunities present for the Australian investors , the discussion concentrated on the opportunities in the energy, renewable energy , water , railways and tourism sectors in specific , Mr. Tabba’a briefed the guests on the latest developments with regard to the oil pipe line project between Jordan & Iraq, the railway project with Saudi Arabia and the Red- Dead sea project , he explained the benefits and incentives that the Australian companies will enjoy once they consider investing in Jordan utilizing the free trade agreements and the wide markets open for Jordanian exports within the frame work of such agreements , besides the strategic location and the stability & security that Jordan enjoy.
On his part Mr. Charles Figallo expressed the interest of the Australian companies in investing in Jordan and cooperating in the ambitious projects that Jordan will execute , and in order to maximize the benefit from this meeting he suggested to hold a Jordanian- Australian Business Forum in the near future to take place in Amman in order to familiarize the Australian investors with the business opportunity in Jordan , it was agreed to follow contacts between JBA and the Australian- Arab Chamber of Commerce in order to organize this event.