JBA received the Ambassador of Kosovo

JBA  received the Ambassador of Kosovo

On June 6th 2013 , JBA received the Ambassador of Kosovo Mr. Avani Spahio and the council of the Embassy Mr. Ali Cambari , the meeting was headed by HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a , and attended by HE Mr. Thabet Al Taher , Mr. Abdel Halim Abdin and Dr. Rajai Sweiss , and senator Mr. Yousef Al Qurneh . HE Mr. Tabba’a briefed the Ambassador on JBA role in the development of the economic relations with Arab and friendly countries on the private sector level within the framework of the business councils between JBA and its counterparts in many countries , and he emphasized JBA interest in the enhancement of bilateral relations with Kosovo .

HE The Ambassador explained the business climate in Kosovo and the investment and trade opportunities available for foreign investors and businessmen in the fields of agriculture, mining and industry , he briefed JBA members on the incentives for foreign investments and that the Turkish firms are the biggest investors in Kosovo reaching 300 firms working in the different sectors of the economy which should encourage the Jordanian businessmen to consider cooperating with their counterparts in Kosovo and he also stressed the importance of exchanging information and business visits between the businessmen in both countries