JBA hosts the Director General of the Income Tax & Sales Tax Department

JBA hosts  the Director General of the Income Tax & Sales Tax Department

JBA hosted a meeting on 15/9/2013 with the Director General of the Income Tax & Sales Tax Department Mr. Iad AL Qudah, The meeting concentrated on the new income tax draft law that was recently released by the Government . The meeting was attended by JBA Board and many JBA members . In his opening speech ,HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a welcomed JBA guest and expressed the private sector dis- satisfaction with the draft law, he said that the law imposes additional burden on the people and the business community as well, since it raises the taxes at a time the private sector and the people of Jordan suffer from the current economic situation and instability in the region , he added that the private sector recognizes the challenges that the Jordanian economy is facing and the difficult situation of the public budget , yet the law came with lifting of the tax at a higher level and includes severe punishing regulations for tax evasion although this subject is critical to the well being of the public income yet it is seen by the private sector as too strict. In his speech He reviewed the comments about the draft law that was prepared by JBA and sent to the Prime Minister & the Minister of Finance.
The Director General , Mr. Iad Al Qudah presented the main issues in the draft law and gave the Government point of view about the new law , he also commented on JBA comments and explained the justification for each point. He agreed that the draft law imposes additional burdens but in light of the critical economic situation , the Gov. had no other choice but at the same time he announced that the Gov. is open to the private sector recommendations and promised to make further studies on the suggestion that could be adopted and he said that their will be future meetings with the private sector representatives to vreach a common understanding of the draft law before it is submitted to the parliament. Afterwards an open discussion took place between Mr. Qudah and the participants during wich he answered to their inquiries .