JBA holds a preparatory meeting for the upcoming Turkish business delegation visit

JBA holds a preparatory meeting for the upcoming Turkish business delegation visit

JBA held a preparatory meeting for the upcoming Turkish business delegation visit to Amman during 28-29/ 4/2014 . The meeting was attended by HE.Dr. Hatem Halawani , Minister of Industry &Trade, HE Mr. Sedat Onal , Ambassador of Turkey in Jordan and several jba board members. This meeting was organized by JBA since HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a was designated by Prime Minister Dr. Abdalla Nsour to follow up on the Turkish investments in Jordan. HE Mr. Tabba’a briefed the attendees on JBA’s efforts in this regards following the Royal visit to Ankara last year and the following Turkish technical team visit to Jordan and the business mission to Istanbul that took place last Sept under the leadership of HE Minister of Industry & Trade. HE Mr. Tabba’a stressed that the agenda for the upcoming visit should include a visit to ASEZA and certain investment projects should be introduced to the Turkish participating companies . HE Dr. Halawani reviewed the attractive investment climate in Jordan and said that the investors should target third party markets benefitting from the free trade agreements that Jordan enjoys with the major world markets such as the US and the Arab Countries especially GCC . HE MR. Onal the Ambassador of Turkey thanked JBA for its efforts and informed the attendees that there will be also a Turkish trade fair in Amman in Nov.At the end of the meeting it was agreed that JBA will prepare the draft agenda and visit program in cooperation with the Ministry and the Embassy