JBA Economic Forum hosts the Mayor of Amman

JBA Economic Forum hosts the Mayor of Amman

JBA Economic Forum hosted the Mayor of Amman HE Mr. Aqel Biltaji on 31/10/2013 , HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a welcomed JBA guest and thanked him for meeting with JBA members to discuss the future plans for the development of Amman Municipality . He expressed the business community faith in the new Mayor to bring Amman back to its glorious days as the most clean and beautiful capital among the Arab cities. Mr. Tabba’a defined the main problems facing the residents of Amman as being the declining services of the Municipality with regards to urban planning , unsuccessful and poorly planned projects, noise , pollution and most of all the congestion in Amman streets due to traffic and poor public transportation means. On his part HE The Mayor of Amman acknowledged the presence of these problems to a certain extent and explained the future plans of the Municipality to face these problems . He revealed the main targets of the Amman comprehensive development master plan and assured the attendees of the meeting that there will be a drastic positive development in the execution of the Municipality duties towards offering the best services possible to the people of Amman. HE The Mayor explained the solutions that will be put into action for the problem of traffic in Amman and the maintenance of its roads, He also explained the future development for the city’s commercial and touristic sites , and the upgrading of the public transportation system.