HE Mrs. Shubhdarshini Tripathi , the Ambassador of India visits FAB & JBA

HE Mrs. Shubhdarshini Tripathi  , the Ambassador of India visits FAB & JBA

HE Mrs. Shubhdarshini Tripathi , the Ambassador of India visited FAB & JBA on18/8/2016 , The meeting was attended by HEMr. Thabet ALTaher, JBA Vice Chairman , FAB Secretary General , and JBA Board members Mr. Yussri Tahboub , and Hussam AL Hudhud , and JBA Director General Mr. Tareq Hijazi . HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a congratulated Her Excellency for the appointment as India Ambassador in Jordan wishing her all success. He praised the distinguished economic relations between both countries and reviewed the preparations underway to organize the 5th Arab Indian Forum which will take place in Oman during Dec. 2016 byThe Arab League , FAB , The Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India (FICCI) and the Indian Ministry of External Affairs . HE Mr. Tabba’a briefed the Ambassador on the latest developments concerning the Conference . The Ambassador praised the role of FAB in co- operating with the Arab League for the enhancement of Arab relations with friendly countries and India in specific and pledged to provide all necessary assistance and facilities from the Indian Ministry of External Affairs to ensure the success of the Conference.