HE Mr. Tareq Adel , Egypt Ambassador meets JBA Board

HE Mr. Tareq Adel , Egypt Ambassador meets JBA Board

HE Mr. Tareq Adel , Egypt Ambassador met at the Embassy premises , HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a , Chairman of JBA and JBA Board Members : HE Mr. Thabet Al Taher, JBA Vice Chairman , and Mr. Hussam AL Hudhud , and Tareq Hijazi Direcor General .The meeting focused on the out come of the Jordan-Egypt Higher Committee meeting during Aug. 2016 in Cairo . HE Mr. Tabba’a praised the decisions taken during the Committee regarding facilitating the trade regulations and transport of goods , He pointed to the upcoming meeting of the Jordanian- Egyptian Joint Business Council between JBA and The Egypt Businessmen Association which will take place next Jan. in Cairo .HE The Ambassador said that the Embassy will provide all possible assistance in order to achieve a successful meeting .