HE Mr. Tabba’a received a Turkish delegation representing The Arab-Turkish business men Association in Istanbul (ARTIAD) on Sun. Oct. 11th 2015 . Mr. Jamal AL Din Kareem head of the delegation reviewed the Associations role in promoting Arab –Turkish economic relations since its establishment in 2015 .HE Mr. Tabba’a briefed the delegation on JBA ‘s role in the economic development of Jordan and its distinguished relations with the Turkish private sector through the Jordanian –Turkish Business Council with DEIK that was established in 1994 and succeeded in attracting Turkish investments into Jordan , He also briefed the delegation on the investment opportunities present in the Special Economic Zones and ASEZA . He also reviewed the distinguished Jordanian trade relations under the free trade agreements with major Arab and world markets .The meeting was attended by JBA Vice Chairman , HE Mr. Thabet Taher and Board members,Mr. Abdel Halim Abdin , , and Tareq Hijazi JBA Director General