HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a praised the outcome of the Jordanian – Egyptian Higher Committee meetings, that was held in Cairo during 29-31/ 8/2016 . He praised the efforts exerted by HE Prime Minister Dr. Hani AL Mulki and the accompanying delegation . The minutes of the meetings resulted in many decisions taken in order to facilitate the flow of the Jordanian exports to the Egyptian market especially facilitating the registration procedures of the pharmaceuticals and offering the Jordanian ships a special rate for Sues Canal .Also the Jordanian goods manufactured in ASEZA were granted exemption from customs tariffs . The higher Committee welcomed the holding of a session of the Joint Jordanian – Egyptian Business Council meetings that will take place in Jan 2017 between JBA and Egypt Businessmen Association . The Higher Committee meeting was attended by HE Mr. Tabba’a and Mr. Tareq Hijazi , JBA Director General participated in the technical preparatory committee