HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba'a chaired the preparatory meeting for the 3rd Arab- Japanese Economic Forum

HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a chaired the preparatory meeting for the 3rd Arab- Japanese Economic Forum

HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a , Chairman of the Federation of Arab Businessmen , headed the preparatory meeting for the 3rd Arab- Japanese Economic Forum, the meeting was co- organized by FAB & The Arab League Secretariat at JBA premises in Amman during 21-22/10/2013 .The Forum will be held in Tokyo during 15-17/12/2013 . The meeting was attended by HE Mr. Thabet Al Taher , Secretary General of FAB , and Dr. Thamer Al ani, Director of Economic Relations Dept/Arab League, Mr. Kenichiro Mukai ,Director of Middle East Division/ MIT/ Japan, and Mrs. Huda Kashtan ,Director of Arab Chambers Affairs / The General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry& Agriculture for Arab Countries. The Forum focuses on the ways & means to enhance the economic relations between Japan & the Arab Countries in all sectors of the economy especially energy , investments, trade exchanges, human resource development, education and technology. The meeting was also attended by 11 representatives from the Japanese Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Industry & Trade and the Japanese embassy in Amman . The meeting discussed the Forum agenda, speakers , participants registration procedures,and launching the Forum website.