HE M. Hamdi Tabba'a calls for compatibly between the income tax and investment laws

HE M. Hamdi Tabba’a calls for compatibly  between the  income tax and investment laws

JBA received on 30/5/2013 the IMF Tax mission visiting Jordan , the mission headed by Mr. Rudolf Mog discussed the taxation policy in Jordan and received JBA comments on the new income tax draft law as presented by the Gov. , the meeting was attended by HE Thabet Al Taher and Eng Awni Al Saket . HE Mr. Tabba’a expressed concern of the business community in Jordan regarding the draft law and called the Gov. to revise it after discussion with the private sector representatives taking into consideration that the income tax law should be compatible with the investment law and the constitution and at the same time must not impose extra burden on the different sectors of the economy , He also presented the IMF delegation with JBA comments on the different articles of the law with justification .