The General Assembly of FAB re- elected HE Hamdi Tabba’a (Chairman of JBA) as FAB Chairman for the term 2013-2017 , The General Assembly meeting was convened in Kuwait on Tues. 10/12/2013 on the sideline of the 15th Arab Business Community Forum that FAB organized in Kuwait during the period 11-12 Dec. 2013 . The General Assembly also appointed HE Mr.Thabet AL Taher as the Secretary General , Mr. Hussein Sabbour,chairman of the Egypt Business Association as 1st deputy chairman , Mr. Mohammad Masrouji , chairman of the Federation of Palestinian Businessmen , as 2nd deputy chairman . In his acceptance speech HE Mr. Tabba’a thanked the General Assembly for the renewal of its confidence and assured that FAB Board will continue its relentless efforts for fulfilling the FAB aims and responsibilities in enhancing the economic relations among the Arab countries on the private sector level , he also reviewed the main activities of FAB during 2013 and the forums, conferences and meetings it participated in cooperation with the Arab League Secretariat and FAB member associations such as , FAB hosted the preparatory meeting in cooperation with The Arab League for the 3rd Arab- Japanese Business Forum that will be held in Tokyo on Dec. 16th . Fab also participated in the Ministerial Arab- African Conference for the development of Agriculture & Food Security that was held in Riyadh . Besides, FAB presented several working papers and memorandums concerning the economic development issues in the Arab Countries.