CONECT Confederation of Citizen Enterprises of Tunisia joins FAB

CONECT ” Confederation of Citizen Enterprises of Tunisia “ joins FAB

CONECT ” Confederation of Citizen Enterprises of Tunisia “ joined FAB on Feb. 9th , 2016, the Agreement for joining FAB was signed during the visit to FAB by CONECT Chairman ,Mr. Tariq Sharif , and the accompanying delegation , the meeting was attended by HE Mrs. Afifa Al Mallah , the Ambassador of Tunisia in Amman and JBA Board members. Also a Joint Business Council Agreement was signed between CONECT and JBA . The agreement aims to strengthening the business relations between the Tunisian Businessmen and the Jordanian counterparts . Through joining FAB , CONECT members will participate in all the activities held by FAB in the Arab countries and will benefit from the investment and business opportunities that FAB promotes among Arab communities .