Hamdi Tabba’a
Hamdi Tabba’a
Hamdi Tabba’a
It is my pleasure to welcome you at JBA Website in its new version, hoping that it satisfies your needs for information, and through which you will be introduced to JBA members, their activities , field of business and products, and also you will be informed about JBA main activities including conferences seminars, business missions and forums . In addition and through this website you can connect to counterparts in 40 Business Associations in Arab and foreign countries that have established Joint Business Councils with JBA . The website also includes publications and studies and working papers that are presented in JBA Economic Forum where we receive top economic officials to discuss the latest economic developments and legislations. I welcome again our visitors from all over the world , hoping that this effort succeeded in meeting your needs through the information available on investment in Jordan and statistics needed for businessmen and investors . Your remarks and suggestions are welcomed for the purpose of continuous development of this site and presenting better services to you.