Businessmen association president talks investment ties with US embassy official

Businessmen association president talks investment ties with US embassy official

The Jordanian Businessmen Association (JBA) President Hamdi Tabbaa and Counselor for Economic Affairs at the United States Embassy in Amman Kevin Skillin on Monday discussed means to enhance economic ties and connect the two countries’ business communities.

The two parties agreed to put in place an action plan for next year to build strategic partnerships, said a statement issued by the JBA on Monday, adding that they underscored needs to define economic sectors of priority and learn about investment opportunities.

During the meeting, Tabbaa affirmed “the deep rootedness and advanced level” of Jordanian-American ties, pointing to the significant contribution of a free trade agreement to boosting the economic relations.

The Jordanian private sector is always trying to leverage the free trade agreement to expand cooperation and enter the American market, Tabbaa indicated, adding that the agreement managed to achieve common interests and made the US a prominent partner of Jordan in terms of exports.

For his part, Skillin underlined the need to bolster joint cooperation and tap into investment opportunities existing in both countries, noting that economic growth is accelerating in the region, thus urging efforts to put Jordan on the investment map.

Trade exchange between Jordan and the US totaled USD3.7 billion by the end of 2021, of which 2.3 billion were Jordanian exports, mainly chemicals and garment. The other USD1.4 billion were imports mostly of machinery, mechanical devices, and metal products.