Al Tabba'a calls for strengthening trade cooperation with the Pakistani ambassador

Al Tabba’a calls for strengthening trade cooperation with the Pakistani ambassador

H.E Mr. Hamdi Al-Tabba’a, Chairman of the Jordanian Businessmen Association, met on Thursday 3/8/2017 the Ambassador of the Republic of Pakistan H.E Mr. Shafa’atullah Shah at the embassy in Amman, where he stressed the need to increase the volume of modest trade exchange between the two countries which reached JD 59 Million in 2016, where he highlighted the main reasons for the weak trade exchange, the most important of the modest transportation to Pakistan and the absence of a regular air route, which in turn directly affects the movement of businessmen and investors between the two countries.

Within the same framework, Al-Tabba’a reviewed the proposals of the association in organizing a marketing exhibition for Pakistani products in Jordan and in coordination with the association, in addition to the readiness of the association to cooperate in receiving a delegation of Pakistani businessmen to get a closer look at the opportunities and investment attractions, including the package of incentives and facilities offered to investors, in addition to the Strategic and political stability factors of security.
He also pointed to the advantages that the Pakistani investor can benefit from through free trade agreements signed by Jordan with the major Arab and international markets, including the United States, Canada, Turkey and the European Union, which opens the door for exports to enter these markets duty-free, in addition to the distinctive geographical position for Jordan which qualifies it as a gateway to the markets of surrounding Arab countries.
In turn, Pakistani Ambassador Shah called for an overview of the Pakistani products, goods and industries, especially in view of the availability of more than one platform to present and promote these products because of its competitive advantages, in addition to the strength of the Jordanian dinar exchange rate, which facilitates imports from Pakistan, Shah said that Pakistan manufactures manufacturing several medical devices and equipment and re-exports them to other countries such as Germany and India, which is considered one of the main reasons that weaken trade exchange with other countries.
Board member Eng. AbdulHalim Abdeen pointed out the importance of small and medium enterprises projects to the Jordanian economy and that they constitute a high percentage of the Jordanian economy, He also pointed to the lack of sufficient knowledge about the Pakistani market and the nature of its composition, Board member H.E Mr. Thabit Al-Tahir pointed to the need to organize mutual visits between the two countries to get a closer look at the investment opportunities and opportunities for enhancing trade cooperation between the two countries, He also called for the possibility of cooperation in the field of tourism and receiving tourist groups from Pakistan.
Finally, the Pakistani ambassador called on the Jordanian side to benefit from the qualified Pakistani human resources, especially in the field of engineering and IT, where Pakistan is the seventh country in the presence of engineers. He also called on the Jordanian side to benefit from Pakistani universities, especially in the field of medical studies, which cost about 2,000 Jordanian Dinars approximately.
The meeting was attended by HE. Thabit Al Tahir, Eng. Abdul Halim Abdeen, Mr. Hussam Al-Din Al-Hudhad and Mr. Tariq Hijazi, the general manager of the association.