Jordan- JBA supports Royal efforts in rejection of Israel

Jordan- JBA supports Royal efforts in rejection of Israel


The Jordanian Businessmen Association (JBA) confirmed its support to the stances of His Majesty King Abdullah II and his “continuous” efforts to prevent the implementation of the Israeli decision to annex new Palestinian lands.

In a press statement released on Thursday, the JBA’s President, Hamdi Taba’a, said Jordan’s position is “firm and unwavering” in preserving the sovereignty of the Palestinian state and achieving aspirations of the Palestinian people to establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

As a source of pride to Jordanians, he highlighted His Majesty’s firm stances to counter any Israeli attempts to adversely affect the Palestinian and defend the Palestinian cause, which has always been a top Jordanian priority.

Occupied Jerusalem, he said, will always remain the “eternal” capital of the independent Palestinian state, noting that Jordan’s business community rejects any regional settlements at the expense of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.