JBA concludes study on damage of COVID-19 crisis on economy

JBA concludes study on damage of COVID-19 crisis on economy

The Jordanian Businessmen Association (JBA) has conducted a study on the volume of damage various sectors have incurred as a result of the coronavirus crisis and created a strategy to enhance the resilience of the Jordanian economy, the association announced on Friday.

JBA President Hamdi Tabbaa said that the plan is in line with Royal directives to plan for the post-coronavirus phase to boost the economy via cooperation between the public and private sectors, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.

The 14 sectoral committees at the JBA have diagnosed the negative impacts of the coronavirus crisis and have offered recommendations to alleviate losses in a way that can contribute to the recovery of the economy and preserve its resilience, Tabbaa said, adding that the best solution may be a government economic stimulus package amounting to 5 to 7 per cent of the GDP to avoid a recession.