The establishment of the Jordanian- Omani Business Council

The establishment of the Jordanian- Omani  Business Council

Upon the invitation from Oman Chamber of Commerce &Industry , HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a ,JBA Chairman , led the JBA delegation to the Sultanate of Oman during 16-17/3/2015 , The business mission resulted in signing the Agreement for establishing the Jordanian- Omani Business Council between JBA and Oman Chamber of Commerce &Industry(OCCI) . Mr. Said Bin Saleh Kayyoumi , Chairman of (OCCI) and HE Mr. Tabba’a and Mr, Yussri Tahboub and Mr. Abdel Rahim AL Bikaie , members of the Jordanian delegation met with HE Mr. Ahmad Memani , Secretary General of Oman Ministry of Industry &Trade .
Mr. Tabba’a opened The first Session of the Business Council by a speech in which he reviewed the Jordanian Omani economic relations and the attractive Jordanian investment climate , in light of the stability and security that Jordan enjoys , its distinguished geographic location and the free trade agreements that open major world markets to the Jordanian exports making Jordan a hub to the regional and world markets , he invited the Omani businessmen to consider investing in Jordan and expand the trade exchanges to third party countries , he said that as Jordan is the gateway to the west ,Oman also can be the gateway to the Indian ocean eastern countries . On his part Mr. Rida Al Saleh , OCCI Vice Chairman expressed the Omani businessmen interest in promoting economic relations with Jordan and Mr. Yousri Thboub, JBA Board member gave a speech on behalf of Mr. Ayman Hatahet , Chairman of Jordan Chamber of Industry in which he reviewed the investment opportunities in the industrial sector in Jordan .Mr. Ahmad Al Zu’bi , from Jordan Investment Authority, made a presentation on the investment climate in Jordan and the opportunities offered by ASEZA and Industrial Estates . On the second day of the mission , the delegation visited Al Russail industrial Zone and AL Dukum special Special Economic Zone .