HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba'a Calls upon Turkish businessmen to invest in Jordan

HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a  Calls upon Turkish businessmen to invest in Jordan

On Oct. 2014, the the Joint Jordanian Turkish Business Council and Partnership Councils concluded their meeting in Istanbul , during which presentations were given about the investment climate & investment opportunities in Jordan by the representatives of ASEZA, Aqaba Development Company , Jordan Chamber of Industry , Amman Chamber of Commerce , JEDCO, and the Industrial Estates Corporation.In his opening speech HE Mr. Tabba’a , called upon the Turkish businessmen to invest in Jordan , he pointed out to the technical Turkish delegation visited Jordan in 2013 and the official visit of HE the Turkish Minister of Economy heading a delegation of Businessmen that took place to Amman following the technical delegation’s visit they were briefed on the investment climate in Jordan and the investment opportunities present in the Kingdom , they also made field visits to ASEZA, and Al Mafraq Development Zone and were briefed on the opportunities offered there for foreign investors,which makes Jordan a hub for the region especially the Gulf Countries utilizing the incentives offered by the free trade agreements which open major world markets to the Jordanian exports at a time when the region is suffering from insecurity , while Jordan remains the security oasis for investments. Besides manufacturing sector he stressed that wide cooperation opportunities are present in the services sector as well such as tourism. Mr. Serif Egeli, Co- Chairman of the Joint Business Council praised the investment attractions in Jordan and the facilities offered by the Jordanian Govt.On his part Mr. Ramzi Gur , DEIK Board Member welcomed the delegation and stressed the importance of the economic relations between Jordan & Turkey . The Jordanian delegation included HEMr. Thabet Taher, JBA Vice president , Mr. Abdel Halim Abdin , and Yusri Tahboob JBA Board members , Tariq Hijazi , JBA Director General , and many JBA members , in addition to representatives of the above mentioned organizations ..