JBA receives an Indonesian delegation

JBA receives an Indonesian delegation

Mr. Abdul Halim Abdin, the Secretary General of JBA and Board Member Mr.Hussam Aldine –Alhudhud received at JBA on Tues. May 13, 2014 an Indinesian delegation headed by Mr. Wisnu Wardhana, Director of National Export Development at the Ministry of Trade and the accompanying delegation of Indonesian officials and Mr. Arief Hidayat, the economic councellor at the Embassy and Mr. Tariq Hijazi the Director General of JBA.
Mr. Abdin explained about JBA role in enhancing the economic relations of Jordan with Arab and friendly countries on the private sector level , and with Indinesia since the establishment of the Joint Business Council with Indonesia Chamber of Industry and Commerce upon the JBA visit to Jakarta in 1996 and since then there have been several delegation visits to JBA the last one being the business mission headed by HE the Deputy Minister of Trade in Dec. 2012 . Mr, Abdin also reviewed the distinguished investment climate that Jordan enjoys in light of the several free trade agreements that enable the Jordanian products to enter major world markets duty free such as the US, EU,Turkey , Canada in addition to the Arab Free Trade Area ,he added that there are many investment opportunities for the Indonesian businessmen . Regarding the bilateral trade it is way below expectations although the trade balance is in favour of Jordan as exports to Indinesia reached $226 mill in 2013 mainly fertilizers, while imports from Indonesia reached $110 mill of palm oil, textiles, tires , wood and paper . HE also , asserted the importance of exchanging business missions in order to explore the cooperation opportunities in all sectors of the economy and widening the exchanged commodities between the two countries . On his part Mr. Wisnu Wardhana, expressed the willingness of Indinesian businessmen to widen the scope of trade and investments in Jordan and explained that a member of his delegation is present to conduct a market study in order to establish The House of Indonesia in Aqaba similar to China Town that is already present in Aqaba . Mr. Alhudhud pointed out the importance of exchanging visits between businessmen and to consider investing in Jordan and benefit from the incentives of Jordan’s distinguished Arab & International relations and being a Hub for the region .