The JBA Economic Forum hosts HE Dr. Adnan Badran

The JBA Economic Forum hosts HE Dr. Adnan Badran

Former Prime Minister , and Chairman of Petra University Dr.Adnan Badran was the JBA Economic Forum speaker on Tues.Jan. 28th, 2014 , the title of the event was ” The future of the energy sector in Jordan ” . In his welcoming speech , HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a welcomed the guest and expressed the Jordanian business community’s worries and concern regarding the energy current situation in Jordan due to the rising imported energy bill and its negative impact on the standard of living of the Jordanians & the competitiveness of the Jordanian economy , whereas, Jordan is a country rich with alternative natural energy resources such as the renewable energy : solar and wind , shale oil reserves, uranium in phosphate deposits and some natural gas . He added that the Government recently adopted and launched the National Energy Strategy till the year 2020 , according to which , Jordan will replace gradually the imported oil & oil derivatives by utilizing and developing the renewable energy resources and exploitation of shale oil . The Strategy as it is constitutes the solution to the energy challenges in Jordan , but in the same time it needs a clear political decision and funding for implementation, and offering incentives for the investments of the private sector in this regard . HE Dr. Badran then presented to the audience in details the National Energy Strategy and the vast energy resources and deposits present in Jordan . He complemented the Strategy and warned that if quick and serious steps are not taken to face the energy challenges in Jordan , then He stressed that the country will be in a deep trouble and the economy will suffer severely.He reviewed the future energy projects for both the public and private sector investments .