HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba'a, co- chairman of the Jordanian –Turkish Business Council , joins the businessmen delegation that was honored to join the Royal visit to Ankara/ Turkey

HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a, co- chairman of the Jordanian –Turkish Business Council ,  joins the businessmen delegation that was honored to join the Royal visit to Ankara/ Turkey

HE Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a, co- chairman of the Jordanian –Turkish Business Council , joins the businessmen delegation that was honored to join the Royal visit to Ankara/ Turkey on March 6- 7, 2013 , on the occasion of the visit , the Jordanian – Turkish Business Forum was co- organized by JBA and The Council for Foreign Economic Relations (DEIK) ,the Forum was honored on its second day of meetings by the presence of His Majesty King Abdallah II and HE Mr. Adballa Gul , President of Turkey. HE Mr.

Tabba’a made the opening speech on behalf of the participating private sector in which he made a briefing on the outcome of the meeting the previus day and presented the recommendations of the Forum for the enhamcement of economic relations between the private sector in both countries.

His Majesty addressed the participants stressing the importance of cooperation between the private sectors to fulfill the aspirations of both sides in materializing the strategic relations between both sides in light of the free trade agreement and the excellent opportunities present for joint investments benefitting from the distinguished economic ties that opens the major world markets for Jordanian products.

Also Mr. Rifa’at Oglu , Chairman of the Union of Chambers of Commerce in Turkey , presented the economic developments in Turkey and the opportunities present for the businessmen in both countries in the different economic sectors .